Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week Three - Jumping Frogs

This week we began by designing a frog that jumps with the materials provided. We were given a piece of cardboard, sticky tape, a picture of a frog and a rubber band. Greg highlighted that we were doing this task to show us that technology does not always just have to be about computers. We were also given a design brief to fill out, which the students would be able to write all over and jot down all their ideas before producing a final copy of the brief. This helps the students to structure their ideas, answers and to think their process through.

This exercise was a good task because it gets students working in groups and thinking about how best to utilise their materials. Older students could also look at push and pullies in this task, while all students could think about the different properties and functions of the materials as well as the proper language such as the potential engery of the materials. This task also gives students the opportunity to get involved and encourages the students who are scared of failing and will hold back to also get involved.

We decided to fold our cardboard into thirds and wrap the rubber band around one section to re-enforce the fold. We then used the sticky tape to attach the picture of the frog. We found this was successful because our frog jumped quite well. This activity could be extended for students that finish early by providing different cardboards for the students to experiment with. Using a design brief is something that we could possibly integrate into our webquest.

Next we looked at Quia and designed a quiz. I think this is a really valuable resource because it is creative and fun for students to create and to play. It would also benefit students' spelling.

Here is the link to my quiz

Here is the link to my Hangman activity

Here is the link to my jumbled words activity

I think these games and activities would be extremely useful in the classroom and will definately look to use them in my future classroom. Greg pointed out students could send their games to their parents for them to play which I think is a great suggestion and alternative to always sending work home.

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